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HAM AGM Sat. Nov. 12, 2005 

On Saturday we held our annual Humanist Association of Manitoba AGM (annual General Meeting). It was well attended by about 25 members. We had reports from all sectors of the executive, including Library report from Catherine (she's also the secretary) and a Newsletter report from MOI, editor extraodiaire! Putting out the newletter is an onerous task made more difficult when there is little or no help. I reported on the number of newletters I got out this year and the AMOUNT of time it took me and the DEADLINES that were expected. I simply said that without help this group will be looking at a different nesletter editor next year...MAYBE ANYONE OF YOU! heehee Anyhow the meeting went very well and the speaker Phil Verhuis ( a well spoken professor of philosopy at the University of Manitoba) was very good. The topic was "What do you say after you tell someone that you are an Atheist" ( or a Humanist!) Phil is also an apiarist and a very down to earth fellow who is a wonderful asset to any table conversation. He sat at our table and at one time quoted Steve Martin " once you take a philosophy course it F**KS you up for life!" heehee.

HAM AGM Sat. Nov. 12, 2005
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