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General threat level remains at ELEVATED (Yellow).
Does it ever get below elevated in the USA? I think not....keep everybody afraid and you keep them obediant.
Remember, half the people you know are below average. Gobnait Drewes
Well it's Sunday. Not much to report here. Friday I went to see the Doctor, Craig Hildahl my GP., and Saturday I went to the museum to put in a shift. Didn't do much on Saturday evening but get ready to have Mom and Shirley Hogue over for dinner on Sunday. We are going to have Roast Beast. mmmmmm, and that green stuff...pistachio jello and some kinda crust, we got the recipe from Carol...good
Today is cool but the sun is shining. The sun shines here more than anywhere else......except New Bruinswick!- apparently. They should call us the Shiney Province or sunshiny province. How about the Province where the sun never sets! heehee.....BIG SKY COUNTRY! woo hoo but it's already taken.
We got new cozy slippers from Sears on Saturday; Big news, they are sheeps wool lined with leather outside and toasty warm mmmmm.
Well Shirley should be here soon...tata.......and peace

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