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this little piggy....was SMOKIN' 

Lalalalala. Bored...I'm bored. I am still hobbled by the cellulitis and not able to get around much. The reason why it is hard to walk is because the cellulitis is in my toes, right from the piggy who went to market to the one that went whee all the way home, and I can't balance myself if it hurts to put my toes down (It also hurts to put shoes on, and I can't go around without shoes!). It seems to be clearing up but the antibiotics is making my blood glucose high.....very high. For example, this morning I got up and took a reading with my glucometer and it was 10.5 (normal is <7.8 ) so I took 70 units insulin, three hours later it was 16.5 ....yeech, so I took another 30 units of 'rapid acting' insulin. Normally I would take 50 units (long acting) in the morning and be done with it until supper. I hope this tapers off as my body gets used to the antibiotics....
The antibiotics are taking a toll on the rest of my body as well. It plays havoc with your digestive system. When I discreetly pass a little gas it smells like smoke...what the hell is that about? My butt on fire??? For a time I was accusing Catherine of smoking again and I would smell her clothes. heeheehee

Well, enough of that, I shall be right as rain by the time Gary and Carol get here! Only thing is that I might accuse Gary of smoking!....no chance of that, eh Gar? BTW, I spoke to Mom yesterday and she tells me that Jack phoned her but he didn't mention anything about coming and she didn't ask him either! She said that she didn't want to put pressure on him........??? Anyhow, he got his new (to him) house now and gee that only took about 4 months....things move slow in Tishamingo......yup.

Well, better go and put my feet up.....say, who is smoking?!?! Peace

this little piggy....was SMOKIN'

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