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Meet the Fokkers, Shawn. 

What we need is a rebirth of satire, of dissent, of irreverence, of an uncompromising insistence that phoniness is phony and platitudes are platitudinous.
We still have company, Gary and Carol are here until next Tuesday. We are having a fun time of it, Gary is coming with me to the Museum tomorrow AM. He especially wants to see the new (well 1929 new) Fokker Super Universal that we finally finished restoring and was delivered to the museum about a month ago.

Tonight we watched "Shawn of the Dead". There were a few graphic scenes where Carol had to avert her eyes but all in all it is a good picture. A scary adventure comedy of the first order.

Well I am up blogging because I can't sleep.....but getting sleepy now g'nite Peace.

Meet the Fokkers, Shawn.
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