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A man named SCOOTER will get a pension much larger than a teacher. 

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.

Wow ...Scotter Libby indicted. Along with Tom delay and Bill Frist and maybe Karl Rove going to jail or on their way....so much for the hollow promise of Dubya in the last USA election of integrity in government. This has to be the worst government in 130 or so years. Corrupt from the get-go. Right from Karl Rove spreading malicious rumours about John McCain, thusly allowing Dubya to get the GOP nomination...right to the Karl Rove orchestrated neocon evengelical right pushing the the last election towards Dubya and a victory. I blame Karl Rove,Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and
Richard Perle for the corruptness in American politics. And I personally think Dubya is a dope and is being used. These guys have to go....next election....they are losing in the polls now and they don't have the support anymore of the rabid right radicals who supported Dubya at all costs and against all criticism. Swift-boat veterans indeed! Trash a Vietnam Vets heroic career, including purple hearts and make Dubya sound like a patriotic war hero when he never even left the safe confines of Texas and his Papa's lap.

Well. that was my Rant Du Jour MY OPINION!......and now for something completely different....

We had a Jeannies cake to celebrate Carol and Mom's birthday. It took a while but we finished it today. Catherine made some delicious lasagna for the main course. Gary and Carol spent the day raking and pulling weeds while Catherine and I went to the Legislature to protest the lack of promises in the government concerning cost of living increases in the COLA clause of the pensions. Unlike other provinces, Mantiboa teachers gave up the right to strike and long term disability for the COLA clause. And now the Government is underfunding it so that the retired teachers only got a .4 % COLA raise this year. Read the artcle.......

Retired teachers show up angryBjornson booed on pension issue
Fri Oct 28 2005

MORE than 500 retired teachers booed Education Minister Peter Bjornson on the steps of the legislature yesterday when Bjornson wouldn't promise government money to boost their pension plan.
"As a teacher (in Gimli), I shared the concerns of teachers across the province," Bjornson told the rally.
He said the Doer government is working hard on the long-term stability of the pension plan -- to sarcastic cries of "When?". Bjornson said the government spends $114 million on the teachers' pension plan each year, which brought yells of "Still not enough!" and "How are we doing on COLA?"
"We remain committed to addressing the issue. It is not a matter that can be addressed overnight," Bjornson said -- bringing a crowd-wide chant of "Action! Action! Action!"

They shouted down Manitoba Teachers' Society president Brian Ardern when he wouldn't commit active teachers to huge pension contribution increases to give the retired teachers a cost of living adjustment (COLA) on pace with inflation.
And they listened politely to Tory leader Stuart Murray say his caucus supports the teachers, but got no answers when they called out for Murray to get specific about money.
At the retired teachers' protest, Vaughn Wadelius of The Pas, president of the Retired Teachers Association of Manitoba, said. "We are not here to poke fingers of blame,"
Wadelius said he did not see much concrete help yesterday.
Retired teacher Dee Dee Rizzo said she has watched the value of her pension fall below inflation so that $1 when she retired in 1999 is now worth 93 cents: "I've watched the buying power of my pension collapse. Half of one per cent (cost of living); who could ever imagine this would happen?" Rizzo said.
The average pension is about $23,000.
The pension's funding formula was developed when there were seven teachers paying into the pension plan in the classroom for every retired teacher, but as teachers retire younger and live longer, that ratio is at 1.4-to-one and heading for one-to-one.
There are about 15,000 active teachers in Manitoba, and 9,500 retired teachers. Active teachers and the province fund the plan..
In an interview, Murray would not commit any potential future Tory government to putting more money into the teachers' pension plan, but said he would create an actuarial working group to analyse the plan.

The fact is that any other government worker including Public servants and all of the Armed Forces get (and deserve) their COLA automatically and without question. It's the nurses and teachers that always get it in the neck. I got a hunch that it is because most of their ranks are made up of women and are easily taken advantage of. The teachers paid in to their own pension plan to the tune of 4 to 6 hundred dollars a month and if those that complain about teachers making too much in retirement had put 4 to 6 hundred dollars a month of their own money away for say 35 years, well they would have a nice pension too! Fact is that most people don't think ahead to pensions and they begrudge others who do.

Well, anywho have a nice day! Peace


A man named SCOOTER will get a pension much larger than a teacher.
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