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Cain skypes Darth the pussycat......yahoo 

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
If there were only four people in 'The beginning'. And Cain killed Abel and then left the family to start a life of his own and got married ......just who did he marry? I'm only asking.
We had a fine Skype/yahoo conversation with brother Jack yesterday. Seems Jack has a lady friend by the name of Josie (as in Josie and the Pussycats, HA), she seems real nice and we were very happy to meet her. She is majoring in Psychology(?) at SOSU (I assume) and Jack had better watch himself or he will end up as a case study. HA We missed seeing the kids and their new glasses. Both of the boys are going out for Halloween dressed as Darth (and Garth) Vader. I would guess theat Goblins and Witches aren't popular costumes down there in the Bible belt.....too edgy?.

Well this is the last day of Gary and Carol's visit. They go home tomorrow and we shall miss them. We have a chance to go to stay at Gary's place at Christmas but that depends on Carol's brother Lewis.....Seems he has first dibs on the place, as he goes there year after year after year.... It would be nice to spend Christmas with the nieces and nephews and their kids as we haven't done so for a loooooong time. We would have a chance to visit with Margot and Joel too.

We are going to pick up Mom soon and she is taking us out to supper at Dal's....Mom likes the perogies there! Catherine is out to get groceries and she is going to pick up a sweater at Winner's that is to die for. So I'd better go.....blog sometime....Peace.

Cain skypes Darth the pussycat......yahoo
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