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Blogoholics Anonymous....BA for short 

Here is a cute post about blogging!

“Hi, my name is Fred.”Everyone then clapped. I was warmly welcomed to B.A., which is also known as Blogoholics Anonymous. The group was large; I counted 30 people. From what I understand, groups are forming all over the country. People are joining B.A. for many reasons; here are a few that were shared in my group:
-calling in sick to blog
-reading and responding to blogs more than four hours a day
-checking your blog every five minutes to see if you have another comment
-leaving spam in your comments to pump up the number of total comments
-changing your template once a week
-hitting the “next blog” button just to make friends
-signing in as “Anonymous” to leave a comment on your own blog
-having more than one blog
-telling your partner “ I have a headache” so you can blog
-blogging while you’re at work
-thanking spammers for posting a comment
-skipping meals so you can blog

Yes, the signs are unmistakable. It’s painful to admit; intervention is often needed to finally admit you’re hooked. In my case, it started when the cable modem broke. It happened Tuesday morning. For some reason, it couldn’t be fixed. I started getting nervous. Wednesday. Nothing. Thursday. Nothing.I fell apart. I finally realized I couldn’t comment on other blogs. Worse, I couldn’t see if anyone was commenting on mine. Arggggg! I needed help. Fast. The cable guy told me who to call. (No, not Ghostbusters.) Seems every time a modem is busted for an extended period of time, he’s been trained to recognize the symptoms. “Here, Fred”, he said, “Call B.A. right away; they’ll help you get better.” I went today after work.And sure enough, they did help. They had computers set up all around the room, but we weren't allowed to touch them. I was shaking – I wanted so bad to read and respond to your posts. Worse, the Blogger home page was on every computer. It was calling me. I felt horrible. "Tough love", I was told.I was one of the lucky ones. I only had minor withdrawal symptoms compared to others in the group. Even better, I received word that the modem was back in service while I was there. Everyone cheered. Ultimately, I was released from the session with a group hug while tears were streaming down the cheeks of my new friends. We all sang Kum-Bay-Ya while we rocked back and forth and held hands. It was moving.The group leader gave me some literature, and sent me on my way with the “all clear” to respond to my blog buddies tomorrow.See you then. In the meantime, I promised the group I would add to the list of symptoms. Any you can think of?

Blogoholics Anonymous....BA for short

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