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Tales from the Gimli Hospital...er, RV Park. 

Tuesday already.....This afternoon we have an appointment with Catherine's GP. Can't wait to hear what she has to say.

Hey, Gary blogged! After 5 days of not blogging, I thought that he went into hiding! Nice pics Gary, thanks. Yes and Jack blogged and Margot....I am overwhelmed.

Yes, Catherine felt well enough to make a trip up to Gimli on Sunday. She put the seat back and slept most of the way there. She really wanted to spend the day with Margot before she left Sunday night and she was keen on selling the old trailer, which we have been trying to sell for two months now. Along with a couple of naps in the trailer, she enjoyed herself and was glad to be out in the fresh air after spending 5 days in the hospital.

Catherine's neck is all bruised and by appearence looks much worse than it really is. Aside from a few twinges and bouts of tiredness, she is getting more alert by the hour. She came through the surgery like a trooper and is well on her way to a complete recovery. As everyone who knows Catherine will tell you, she is chomping at the bit to get out there and do something. She was never the kind of person to wile away the hours hiding from life, she has a wedding to perform on Saturday and she will get back t0 teaching as soon as she possibly can if I know her (and I do).

Still have to go back to the lake to winterize the trailer. I have to remove the stabilizing jacks and let the trailer rest on just the wheels and the tongue jack. I have to retract the big slide back into the trailer, and generally stow everything before the winter winds blow. It's supposed to be nice this weekend, lets hope that the forecast holds.

5-Day Forecast for Winnipeg :
Tuesday 71 ° 41 ° Scattered Clouds
Wednesday 53 ° 41 ° Clear
Thursday 64 ° 41 ° Scattered Clouds
Friday 78 ° 50 ° Clear
Saturday 62 ° 48 ° Clear

Better go and have dinner. Peace

Tales from the Gimli Hospital...er, RV Park.
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