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Life would be much easier if I had the source code. 

That Love is all there is,
Is all we know of Love.

Well, it's been a long day. It all started when Catherine came home after teaching this AM. She was complaining about a pain in her left leg and some pains in her left arm and hand. She had been feeling a bit dizzy at times, at school. It went away. We went to the Superstore to do some shopping and she started dragging her left foot, saying that it felt like it was heavy, it was like walking in water she said. It would come and go....one minute painful and the next OKAY. Just so happened that the same kinda thing was happening last May and then we ended up going to the hospital ( I was not allowed to say anything then). She had some tests then and went to see her doctor. All summer it was fine....no pains. Her doctor arranged for her to have an ultrasound of her Carotid arteries. The doctor phoned Catherine today and told her the results....A 70% to 80% blockage of the right carotid artery and when Catherine told her doctor of the numbness and pain in her left side, the doctor told her to get to the St. Boniface Hospital right away to get it checked out.

from the internet :

When the carotid arteries become blocked with cholesterol plaques (atherosclerotic plaques), blood flow to the brain is compromised. Also, small pieces of plaque can break off and block small arteries in the brain. This blockage of the blood vessels can cause transient-ischemic attacks and strokes.

A wise thing to do considering it was her second such episode. At St. B, they did another battery of tests and then arranged for her to be transferred to the Health Sciences Centre to have a consultation with a vascular surgeon. He recommended to us that Catherine have surgery right away and then kept her in the hospital. The surgeon said that if the surgery is done with in 48 hours of an episode, it will be that much better. Soooooo....Looks like Catherine will be having surgery within the next two days.
The strange thing is that Catherine's cholesterol is normal.....So how could it block and artery?

It was 11:30 pm by the time I got back home and did not have time to call anyone except for Margot...I left her a message.
I will be off to see Catherine in the morning. Wish us luck.
It's so quiet here, I don't think that I'll get much sleep.......

Life would be much easier if I had the source code.
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