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Canadian Hyundai rescued in the Bush! Thanks. 

Glad to see Bush thanking Canada for helping out in the relief effort in Lousiana. After 9-11 happened he thanked lots of countries but forgot Canada, but since he had never visited here before, he probably forgot. Hell, come to think of it, he never travelled outside of the USA before he came to office. Think of it, the leader of the free world not being well travelled, deciding on foreign policy that affects pretty near everybody. Yahoo.

I see that a Canadian Search and Rescue group from Vancouver chartered a plane and beat FEMA into the hurricaine ravaged area on the gulf by three days! 3 days. Two days into the aftermath, I saw on CNN a group of three college boys that when they heard of the trouble jumped into their Hyundai Elantra and drove right to the front door of the Superdome and this was when FMEA said they could not get in there and the army could not get in there.....they could not even attempt to get busses in there! How did they get in there?.....got in the damn car and drove....a Hyundai.

There was a thing on CBC that told of a flooding in New Orleans that happened in the 1920's? Anyhow, they evacuated the whites only because they did not want to lose the low paid manpower. The blacks were told to wait it out on the levees. I can understand why they are anxious now.

Well, we were going to buzz out to the lake for today and tomorrow (Monday) but just couldn't get up the energy. We would have had to come back for Monday night anywho becuse we have appointments and such on Tuesday and Wednesday. Too bad as the weather has been real nice the last few days.....went to 30 deg C today. Supposed to cool off later in the week, but still it is supposed to be sunny. The leaves are staring to turn and it can be quite beautiful in the country.

Better go and get to bed...agian its late and I am on the damn computer. nite

Canadian Hyundai rescued in the Bush! Thanks.
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