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To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.

Hot Hot. 32.5 deg c and a great big sunny, relentless, blazing ball of fire in the sky. Lots of heat into the weekend too. Good thing the new trailer has AC. We will probably be in it on Friday if all goes as planned. The house...er trailer warming will be on Saturday, can y'all come?

We renewed our Costco card and proceeded to go and buy a bunch of stuff, big soap thingys, big bag o'peanuts, no problemo. It would be a great place for and outfit like the Canadian Army to stock up on things. they had a real scute little electric motor scooter for $800. It'll do 30 KPH and go 100 hours on a charge. That would be great for Gary to strap on the back of his RV and tool around those campsites, especially the Walmart concrete campgrounds ....of course Gary would probably fall off and hurt himself...heehee

Oh, there was a single mother and her two kids who wrote to the Free Press here and said that they were planning a trip to Winnipeg and asking if there was anything to do here. The paper picked up on it and they arrived last night and are being treated like royalty....staying at the ladidah Fairmont Hotel for nothing and being wined and dined by dozens of families who invited them to their cottages, homes, etc. And you wonder why I like Winnipeg...its the people. You can read the story here.

Well, see ya laters gators. Peace.

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