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Now let's see...Where is that gas mask? 

You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims......

It was a dark and stormy...no, sultry night. We had just pulled into our driveway, home from the Lake and dog tired, and a small furry black animal scurried in front of the car. I caught a glimpse of it...it had a white stripe down its back...WHITE STRIPE?!?! Egads! It was a small skunk and it scurried into the bushes at the front of the house. Luckily the beagle did not see it and anyways, I had her on her leash. "Close encounter of the stinky kind", I said to Catherine. We went into the house quickly. After unpacking a few boxes the dog decided that she needed to pee and stood at the door wanting to go out. I had notice the last time we were in town a week ago that the beagle had been preoccupied with the area behind the shed but we have many squirrels and I thought that it was just one more and let the dog free in the backyard but followed her out just to make sure the skunk de phew was not lurking around. The dog BOLTED, first for an area beside the fence and then towards the shed. In front of the shed stood the skunk with its tail raised and before I could say skunk de phew, the beagle got sprayed....not the full spray but enough that it is an indelible memory for Catherine and I. I grabbed the dog and we went back in the house. I called to Catherine that we "Had Incoming!"...the dog stunk up the place. My first instinct was to run a bath but in order to do so I had to leave the dog. The dog at the same time was intent on 'getting the stink off its nose and face' and was in the bedroom rubbing her face all over the shag rug. Our dog does not like taking a bath......period. To heck with the stink....I'm OK!...don't need a bath, No Sir. I had to drag her scratching and yelping into the bathroom where I closed the door. There was just Catherine, the dog and I in there and every time I went to grab the dog and get her into the tub, there was a scuffle. Finally, I just grabbed her and threw her into the tub...SPLASH. Well, I got the dog clean but damn near drowned myself doing it! While this was going on, Catherine was in the bedroom spraying all kinds of stuff on the shag rug in an effort to get the stink out. The dog, still very wet, took off careening down the hall way bouncing off the walls and spent the next half hour running all over the house rubbing herself against anything that would help get her dry...and she still wasn't smelling like a rose. But all of us, being dog tired and I guess the dog being human tired after a long long day finally got to bed around midnight. You can still smell the skunk stuff today although Mom said, when she walked into the house, that she couldn't smell it at all.
Darn skunks....now Catherine has given me an ultimatum....get rid of the damn skunks or she will call a pest control guy and get it done for a fee! Canèt have that, I'm a man and I can get rid of a couple of darn skunks...now let's see, where did I put that gas mask?

Now let's see...Where is that gas mask?
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