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Momsy update 

The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.........

Just an update on Momsy. We took her to Dr. Long to check on her sight. It is suspected that she had glaucoma. Well, the Dcotor gave us a qualified MAYBE. If it is glaucoma, it is in the very primary stages. The diagnosis is that he wants to see her every 6 months or so to 'keep and eye on it'......I can't see that. nyuk nyuk "Hey boss, I can't come into work, I got vison problems.....I can't see myself coming to work!" nyuknyuk

By the way, Momsy is going to have cataracts removed and we are waiting to get an appointment.....did I say that before? Could be 6 months away.

Looking forward to seeing Gary in Oct? What are the dates man???? Gotta plan these things!

Momsy update
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