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Hot, Quiet, Suzie, Bombers, TATA 

Hello there.   It is Saturday night and we are at the lake....in our new trailer.  It has been a busy day.  It has been hot (over 30 deg c) and humid both yesterday and today and tomorrow ;looks the same.  It's a good thing that we have air conditioning in this thing. We are now situated on a fully serviced lot and our nearest neighbour is a guy that I used to work with.  Peter is a certified engineer and is quite knowledgeable in things mechanical, so he is a great neighbour to have.  We worked on the trailer today, taking in the rollup that covers the slideout and cleaning it up so it will roll better.  He also showed me how the awning works, I was a bit hesitant as it has a centre support and seems a bit more complicated but turns out that it was rather easy to work.  We also plugged up a small hole in the front grey water tank, there is one at the front and another grey tank at the rear.  Why there is two, I don't know. 
The one at the front is for the kitchen sink only...go figure.   Anyhow, I took some pics and I will forward them and perhaps post one on the blog even.  We also cleaned up the old trailer and we will be selling that one ASAP.
Pretty quiet out here this weekend.   Last weekend it was pretty wild with the ISlendigadagurin festival and all....a lot of hootin' and hollerin'.  This turns out to be a great spot for us...er me anyways, as it is about 200 metres from the new Gimli Hospital.  I don't need it but its nice to know its there.
Someone came to the door this AM and of course Suzie had to get out to greet them...she must have forgot where she was because she missed the bottom two steps and spent the rest of the day limping about.  Poor doggie, but she is much better this evening and is only limping to score a cookie.  Poor smart doggie.
We have to get back to the city on Monday in order to take Momsy to the denturist early
Hey, good news....bad news.  Good news is I got to see the Bomber game tonight on our big 13" AC/DC Sansui, the bad news is that they sucked and lost to Calgary.  I have to get a bigger TV, well I have to convince someone of the merits of that.  Seems Catherine doesn't care if we have a TV or not...obviously not a Bomber fan!
Well, better go.  Its amazing how many channels you get late at night. 

Hot, Quiet, Suzie, Bombers, TATA
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