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poutine, shinny, nip and chips 

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.

It's 12:00pm and it's time to sqeeze in a blog before bed. There was an interesting article on TV about Canadian slang. Here are some of them and a few of my own:
-G'day,eh? (good day huh?)
-He'd talk the ears off a moose. (talk too much)
-I'll split some poutine on the chesterfield. (I'll split some food with you on the sofa)
-Keep this under your hat. (keep this secret safe)
-Let's go play some Shinny. (let's go play some pick-up hockey)
-there is a skiff of snow in the street (a light dusting of snow)
-chips and a nip please! (French fries and a hamburger)
-cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey (self explanatory)
-let's get a 2-4 and drink (let's get a case of 24 beer and have a party)
-where's my tuque, my head is cold (where is my wool hat)
-Well that is skookum (apparently this means swell on the wet coast)
-Loonie (dollar) twoonie (two dollars)
-a buck (dollar), a buck and a half (dollar fifty)
-two bits (25 cents) 4 bits (50 cents) 6 bits (75 cents)
-'the Peg' (Winnipeg, the most beautiful city on the Canadian prairies, eh)

Well that's enough for now ya HOSERS! Study Bob and Doug MacKenzie and get back to me EH.


poutine, shinny, nip and chips
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