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Gay Penguins have a cow! 

ME fail English? ...that's unpossible.

Kind of a grey day today...overcast, but not raining..yet.
We went to Al and Janine's place for dinner on Tuesday night. I picked up a bottle of "The little Penguin" shiraz from Australia for the dinner. It was very good. It was recommended by the "Wine Spectator" on-line. They rated it about a 90 (on a scale of 100) and at $11 it was a great buy. Just goes to show you that a wine does not have to be expensive to be good.
I worked over at the museum on Wednesday morning and it was pretty quiet...maybe thirty or so people, mostly Americans.
I see the border is finally open to Canadian cattle. The Montana group R-calf has lost its protectionist battle to ban Canadian cattle form crossing the border. They were quite happily enjoying the high prices their cattle were getting while the ban was on. Since 'mad-cow' has been found in American cattle, they could not keep up the pretense of banning Canadian cattle for that reason. Its been a two year slog for Canadian beef producers and they have lost billions....so woohoo for them!

Another bit of good news, woo-hoo.... Tulsa zoo had backed off placing a 'creationist view of the origin of life' on their zoo grounds, after a storm of protest from all over the country. A zoo is not a place for this type of thing. Keep religion out of zoos......sheesh, you'd think that would be a given.

Anyhow, Canada has OFFICIALLY made same-sex marriage legal. Here is a case of a minority winning rights...thats what a democracy does, it protects the rights of minorities. However, the majority of Canadians supported the rights of gays to marry. Just the Conservatives (Americans read Democrats here), and the religious right who claim marriage is a religious institution, did not agree. The state issues marriage licences, not the church....Anyhow, people that get married in a civil ceremony are just as married as those that are married in a church. All marriages are documented in a government facility...civil or not. This makes legalized marriage a matter for the government not the church. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a church marriage if that is what is wanted, all that pomp and traditions and stuff. But a marriage isn't legal until it is recognized by the government. That really makes all marriages civil and religious ceremonies are extraneous. Off on a tangent there....don't get me started.

Catherine got a letter published in the Winnipeg Free Press tdoay, its all about religion in schools. You can read the article here. Yes, we have a 'bible belt' here in southern Manitoba, its mostly mennonites who emigrated here from Europe (mostly Germany), who are religious and like to impose their values (don't have sex standing up because it might be construed as dancing!) on all students by having daily bible readings, paryers, etc. Oh, the 'others' who do not want to participate in the religious exercises are invited to leave the classroom and go elsewhere in the school, but that makes them ostracized and open to bullying. How can you expect young kids to deal with that? And these people came to Canada to avoid being ostracized in the old country......

Better go for now ....peace everyone. And remember, these are only MY opinions. Keep an open mind.

Gay Penguins have a cow!
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