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Garage sale, Vikings, regatta, *Yawn* 

Hello from the Islendagadagurin Festival in Sunny Gimli.  Lots to see and do today.  We had a 'Multi-campsite' garage sale this AM at 9:00am.  We were up a bit early and headed over to the coffee shop for a little brekkie.  The place was full....what the hell are all these people doing up so early on a Saturday?   Anywho, we had the special and got over to the garage sale place (in front of the bowling alley) at 8:45 am.....plenty o'time.....no, everybody was there, set up and selling already.   We gave up at about 11:00am and headed off to the waterfront where there was live music, tons of little kiosks selling stuff like mmmmmmmmmmini-doughnuts and henna tattoos.   Later on we went over to the Viking Village where the 're-enactors' were doing their thing all dressed up as Vikings...warriors, women and such.   They even had some mock battles, they really get into it.  I have always liked the Vikings, I have their fridge and stove!   Seeing all the warriors kinda reminded me of the 'city bank' commercials.  There was a large regatta going on and all the different sailing classes were out there competing...sails all over.   They were also supposed to fire a full size trebuchet but while we were there at the scheduled time, there was nobody there.  Must a been a change in plans.   It is around 9pm and all is still and hardly any noise form the campground but I can faintly hear a band playing, probably on the dock which is about 3 kilometres away.  
Well, we had a BBQ steak dinner and we are both showered and .......ready for a movie?  heehee.....well maybe movie afterwards.
I think I bought a new trailer....more later.

Garage sale, Vikings, regatta, *Yawn*
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