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Cruise in 3 days!!!! 

Well, we have been in Victoria for two days and haven't seen hide nor hair of Lyn, Noni, or David, not to mention their kids. They call here but we have not been able to speak to them. We hope to see Lyn and Alan and Noni tomorrow for dinner. Alan had a minor surgery yesterday so I hope he is well enough to come to dinner tomorrow, it would be nice for Catherine to meet Alan.

Anyhow, we went over to the Air Museum of BC at Pat Bay near the airport today. The tour guide we had was Don Mcbride, an old Bristol employee, he used to market the CRV-7 rockets for Bristol. He gave us a great tour. I met another museum volunteer who asked me if I knew "Ace" Bailey....Jack Bailey. Heehee. there was an Avro Anson, a Bolingbroke, a 3/4 scale spitfire, a 25 HP Quickie kit plane, a Chipmonk, an Eastman Flying Boat and many others. They had a small but pleasant gift shop with a few t-shirts and toys but not a patch on our museum gift shop. There were NO salaried people; all the people were volunteers. they had at least 6 volunteer tour guides waiting to pounce on anyone who walked in the door and offer to show them around. Nice bunch of blokes. They also had a nice tribute room to the forces. It had pictures, medals and such....very nice. Oh, and they had two very friendly cats who 'ran' the museum.

Check it out....at BC museum

Cruise in 3 days!!!!
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