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Yes Gary, that damn camera does put on a few pounds! ....if you ever get in front of a TV camera you will find out! HA! But my point is still valid....We should wait until the Gomery commission is over and the results are in before we have another election, that nobody wants by the way! This is the way governments work, the NDP gets to push a great budget through. I see tonight that Harper and his happy band of REDNECKS are ready to end the government. Can you say REFOOOOORM!?! The vote will be close but I hope that the Conservative Reform Alliance Party (CRAP) will lose. That guy is nothing but a Bush Mini-me.
But enough ranting. ...HMMMMM 'things I really should have said on CBC!' bwahahahahahaha
I discover a new Aunt of mine recently. Auntie Bernice from Provo, Utah. She tracked me down through the internet. She is one of the offspring of my Grandfathers second mate, er wife? ...not sure but she was born in Chicago, met her husband while he was going to medical school and after he graduated they moved to Provo. Aint life grand? Aint the world small and getting smaller! Together they had 6 kids and they are spread out all over the place but there is one (Julia) in Simi Valley, California and one in Cedar City, Utah....and that is wild because I have been to both places on business trips. I was in Simi Vally, Ca for a week just whiling away time waiting for a supplier to make some parts! It would have been nice to meet with them.
Well better go. I am taking Mom to a dermatologist tomorrow...she has a small patch on her skin that concerns her.
We saw 'Ocean's Twelve' last night and 'Vera Drake' ...I liked 'Vera Drake', Imelda Staunton deserved the Oscar for that performance, she was nominated but she didn't get it. Yes, we will have to see 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'.
Well Peace all and stay cool my babies, Rev Dennis from the church of the holy sepuclchure...cephulcure...spullchure...tomb!

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