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Watching Catherine cut the grass 

Catherine, er, Ms Prairie Dog, spent the morning vacuuming and cleaning and now while I am on the computer, she is outside cutting the grass.  She gets into these fits of energy, something that I try desperately to avoid.  I did do the grass once this week already, and it really kills my back.   They make the handles too low!...on purpose.  Everything is too low for a tall dude.  Counters, chairs, car roofs, doorways...all too low.  I really hate going into those dumb shops where there are things hanging from the ceiling, they are always whacking me in the forehead.  You could put a guy's eye out! 
Well, better go have a nap, we got Paul and Pat coming over after dinner to play games and such.  Salad for dinner....healthy hamster food.
Later,  PEACE     

Watching Catherine cut the grass
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