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one week and one day to go 

Well here it is Monday
One week and one day to go.  We had Pat and Paul over for the evening last night and they are anxious to have Suzie come stay with them.  I'm beginning to wonder if we'll get her back!  We are busy making plans on which luggage to use and how much stuff to bring....let's see, will they have lamps aboard?.....because we can take one if they don't.
It was the season finale of 'Desperate Housewives' and 'Grey's Anatomy' last night.  Both were great.  boy that cliff-hanger at the end of DH is good....what will happen?
Better go.  We are taking in an 'open house' at a 'lawn bowling' place and then we are picking up Nana for a little ride.
So later....PEACE

one week and one day to go
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