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Here it is Tuesday...still raining. Its been raining for two days....not a heavy downpour but a steady drizzle. Well, it will make the grass grow and I can hardly wait to start cutting the grass again.....NOT!
We heard from Margot recently and she said she is starting a course ...was it Monday night?...anyhow, the course is a business course, Marketing. I took that course as part of a series of courses involved in obatianing my certification in purchasing. It was a fun course but I'll be damned if I can remember much about it. It was given by one of those teachers who teaches for half the time and then breaks you off into groups the other half so you can argue about who will be the two people who will do all the work and credit can be claimed by all (don't ya hate that!). I think it was at a time when I was getting tired of taking courses, as it seemed a long row to hoe. Anyhow, good luck on the course Muffin....er Margot dear!
Tomorrow I have a tour at the museum for a group of mentally handicapped kids, so I have to KISS them! (Keep It Simple Stupid!) Works out well because i have to be there on Wednesday mornings anywho.
Yesterday we took our pet Beagle (should have called her smeagle!) to the vets to get her shots and her eyes checked out. She has a problem with her left eye, the white bit in the centre corner of her eye seems to want to move up and cover part of her pupil. It makes her look real odd, like she is s bit possessed or something! Anyhow it was a real struggle to get her to keep still for the vet. It ended up the both Catherine and I had to hold her down and she had to be muzzled so the vet could poke and probe her eye. The vet looked at all possibilities but could only suggest that it might be infected so she gave us some anti-biotics and some crap for her ears because she has a bit of a yeast infection in both ears. That, combined with her license renewal and associated shots cost us $250.00. Sheesh, dogs. Oh well we love her dearly and she is worth it because she is such a good companion.
Well better go. Got to take Catherine to school, she is subbing this afternoon.
Later from Rev Dennis, of the Church of No Redeeming features, City of Angles....er Angels.

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