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Got a cheque in the mail...my tax rebate! woohoo. Now I can go to Tim Hortons for that new chicken'n bacon sub with honey mustard sauce.

Gee, the Catholics of the world can rejoice.....a new Pope. Ratzinger? The German rotweiller? Let's see, he was a German soldier....but he deserted, so thats OK. He was a Hitler Youth....but that was mandatory , so thats OK. He's an Ultra Right wing conservative Catholic.... and thats OK because it doesn't affect me in the least, except that it helps the Humanist cause, so thats OK! I was hoping for Father Ted OR Father Guido Sardouchi (find the Pope in the pizza contest....SNL) but we got Ratzinger....thats OK . Enough with the News from the really isolated community of Vatican City, lets have some real news! How about the new bankruptcy law George W signed yesterday. Did he sneak it through? Written by the big credit corporations and guess who benefits the most....gee, those same large credit companies! What kind of government do they have in the USA?...is it run by the multinationals? The NRA? At least in Canada when the government does something that stinks, they open the can and let everyone get a good whiff!

Well, better get to bed, tomorrow is Volunteer appreciation day at the Museum. We get cake and everything!

Later, PEACE, Shalom Aleichem, und Frieden zu allen meinen katholischen Freunden!

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