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Well, Jennifer Jones (Manitoba) won the Scott tournament of Hearts.
She was down two in the last end, but had the hammer and won by two points on an angle takeout on her own rock, just near the boards outside the house. Best shot that I have seen, to win the game, in a long time. And were they ever happy about it! woo double hoo.

Made the last payment on the Alaska cruise by calling Fern Macadoodle (?) at BCAA. We could not book the White pass tour beforehand. It must be booked on the cruise ship according to Mcadoodle. All set....where's my bags?

The Lions Manor was at the Air museum today. I suggested to Mom that she tell them at the Manor to take a tour of the Museum. She did, but when they asked if she were coming she said NO.......she can go anytime because my son volunteers there. Anyhow, 16 of them were there and they asked questions like, "If you fly through a thunderstorm, is it hard on the plane?" Several of them were alzheimer patients and they would have comments on everything.....oh well, it kept the mood light and happy. Just didn't matter much what I said. When I explained to them, in regards to the Vickers Vedette, that one of the 'original' draughtsmen that worked for Vickers did 98% of the blueprints for it from memory and told them that he was 80 years old, one of them asked what his first name was. DOUG, I said. One of the volunteers told me later that the story about Doug was wonderful and how did I know all that stuff....I said well at least some of it was true but I don't know who the hell Doug is!

The Academy Awards was on Sunday. Personally, I did not find Chris Rock funny. To much over the top! nyuknyuk Anyways, now I have to see "MIllion Dollar Baby". I voted for 'The Aviator", because it was Scorsese and I figured he'd get it, but he was up for and didn't get the oscar for director even. Ole Clint got it. And Morgan Freeman got it for supporting actor and Hillary Swank got it for actress. Good, I like Hillary Swank. Other than that movie there were no surprises. I think that Cate Blancette deserved the oscar for her portrayal of Katherine Hepburn in "The Aviator". And....lordy, lordy, they have re-released the "Passion of the Christ", calling it the 'uncut' version. mmmmmmm can't wait to see that one......sure

Finished another newsletter for the Humanist group. Its not to much fun doing it but it sure is enjoyable when it is done....at least for another month.

Survivor is on tonight! yippee!...the start of another series.. Looks like Charlene has updated her blog WRT the coffeeshop...check it out.
Dennis, Pastor of the Church of the Shivering Jesus

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