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Well, here it is Easter Monday. I trust all of my flock had sufficient chocolate goodies to tide them over for another year. Me and the Missus? Well, we had chocolate covered potato chips that we procured from Widmans chocolate emporium in fabulous Grand Forks. Chocolate covered potatoe chips are goooood. MMMMM. Being a diabetic is not a problem, I just give myself an extra shot on the RARE occasion that I veer from my prescribed diet! Of course, luck be with me, wine too brings down the sugar in one's system, although not a substitue for insulin, I imbibe frequently of the wine and thereby keep my sugars under control in a more....natural way. Why last night we indulgeed in a little "Goats do Roam" (in Villages). A favoured wine in this household with a pleasing taste on the palate, not impertinent but with a great finish, not weak but a full bodied wine that has legs....long wonderful legs that wrap around your tongue...well you get the picture, its a good wine.
While Mother was here last evening, after our repast, we partook in a viewing on Shaw of the little flick called "Shall we Dance?" With Richard Gere, J-LO, and Susan Sarandon. This movie was filmed in the Old market Square area of Winnipeg a year ago summer last. We all loved the movie and the dancing was devine, ...er good, ya good. I found that Susan Sarandon to be MOST engaging and of course J-lo cuts quite a figure on the dance floor, I must say.
On Saturday we went to see the final MTC play of the season. It was called "The Dresser" with Len Cariou (as the dressee). It revolves around an old actor living his life in quiet desperation only now its not so quiet, and his dresser who has been dedicated but undervalued all of his :"Sirs career". They are getting ready to play King Lear and he can't go on...literally can't do it anymore, and of course he goes on only to die in the end. Very well performed, although the audience was niggardly in its appreciation when oly a few (including Catherine) stood up for the ovation. Strangely enough there was a rather large standing ovation after the previous play called "Trying", yet I found that play to be rather mediocre....well, what do I know, maybe that guy was a local.
Well, its going to be a slow week around here. Catherine is unable to work because of March break. I am at the museum on Wednesday and Saturday only ..so far. I gave a tour to some 15 screaming little sav...CHILDREN Saturday and ended with locki...PUTTING them into the Spaceways exhibit for a tour through the solar system, while I waited outside and because of the VERY LOUD SCREAMING I was wishing that the trip into space was MORE than virtual reality. Oh my. I mean it is so nice to be able to tour the little children through the museum because they are so attentive and appreciative...the little darlings.
Well, better go...blessigns from the Right Reverend Dennis and his church of the Holy Sepulcre and neon cross at the corner of Euclid and Austin in sunny North Winnipeg.....peace

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