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Tours, messerschmitt; exorcisms 

I just got back from the Museum. Just watching the gift shop today. On Monday I had a tour...usual stuff. The theory of flight is to keep the pointy part going forward as fast as possible...Take-offs are optional but landings are mandatory. We have an old Hispano-Buchon Ha-112 ...a Spanish version of the German Messerschmitt BF109 that is on loan from the the Ottawa museum and it is going back, so we have a special display going on that. Its quite the fighter plane, many, many (over 30,000) were built, more than any other WWII vintage plane.

Well, better get going to the gym for a workout. So until we speak again, KEEP BLOGGING.
As usual, eternally yours,Yadda yadda yadda, Rev Denny of Denny's pray and save drive thru and confessional. Exorcisms 'half off-boxing day sale'...the manager left the exorcism machine on! who loves ya baby?!

Tours, messerschmitt; exorcisms
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