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blue finger; Condi; Babba-ann; joie de vivre; RAY 

"Mundus vult decipi"(the world wants to be deceived)
...The Iraqi election turn out was better than expected. Bush and the neo-cons were quick to take the credit, even though they did not want the election in the first place. They wanted an appointed (by them) interim government but Sistani the Shiite cleric convinced (read threatened) the US to make it an election. That way they could ensure a Shiite majority. Hypocrites all, the neo-cons happily dipped their fingers in ink and in a showy support for the Iraqis who voted, showed their fingers off at Dubya's State of the Union address....pretty crass I'd say.

Bush is going to meet with PM Martin at the Nato conference i Europe later this month and it is rumoured that he will ask Martin to send in 40 or so troops to help with the training of the Iraqi troops. Martin has said that he is not in favour, let's hope that he will stick to his guns (bad pun). Condi is overseas on a whirlwind trip. She is quoted on CNN this AM as saying, in a meeting with Chiraq of France (remember 'freedom fries'?), that the USA is in full support of the UN, that democracy cannot be forced on a nation, it must come from within...what a load of crap....is this the new US foreign policy? News to me. Looks like Iran is next on the list of countries that the US want to reformn from within....by bombing the crap out of them.
Remember the song Barbra-ann by the Beachboys?
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb,bomb IRAN
Bomb,bomb,bomb,bomb,bomb Iran
BOMB IRAN....take my hand and Bomb Iran
You got me rockin and a rollin rocking in a rhythm
Bomb, Iran bomb,bomb,bomb, bomb IRAN
Anyhoo....not much new here. The expected 9 deg. C temp on Friday did not materialize but the weather has been nice all the same. Lots of sun. And dare I say it...it is supposed t be 4 degs. C on Friday or Saturday. It is our usual Festival du Voyageur thaw! The Festival is starting on the 11th with a street festival in the french quarter. They have not done this for the last six years and it is back by popular demand. They close off Provencher Blvd. and have bands and dancing, and lots of fun. As usual the Festival is mainly situated in Fort Gibralter (in St. Boniface). They have 6 or so huge tents to house entertainment and food. MMMMM Tourtiere, bannock, pea soup (not so mmmm) and stick to your ribs chili. They also have snow sculpting teams from all over the world coming to sculpt their creations. It is a hoot to see the teams from the warmer climes coming here to the Great White North and freeze....oh well, there are many that come year after year. It will be fun ...the dancing, the singing, .....Heyooh....the joie de vivre!

We saw the movie "Ray" the other day.. Excellent. Just excellent. Jamie Fox IS Ray Charles. He looks so much like him and has Ray's mannerisms down pat. An added bonus that even the Director (Taylor hackford) was not aware of, is that Jamie Fox is an accomplished pianist!
Jamie makes those piano playing scenes so real. The director pans up from Jamie's hands playing the keys to Jamie's face and you are there...you are hooked. Even Ray Charles was crazy about Jamie playing him! A movie well worth seeing. Fox HAS to get the Oscar for his performance or there is no God....let me reword that...he deserves it.

Better go for now...remember to check Lyn's new blog (see shortcut) and keep on blogging........
Peace out, Dennis OCM (ordained clergy minister).

blue finger; Condi; Babba-ann; joie de vivre; RAY
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