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We got some snow on Thursday and Friday. About 25 cms (1 foot) or so, and today we are getting some more...about 10 cms. I fired up the ole snowblower on Thursday and Friday and shall have to get it going again later today! I luvs blowing snow.....yup, yup. At least its not rain (a bit of wetneck wisdom here).....ya can't blow rain! But you can in fact, shovel it. And you can shovel snow, but what is snow but chrystallized rain and rain is but melted snow......wow

We went over to the Bertrand's place to bring in the New Year. Because the streets were not yet ploughed, we picked up Paul and Pat on the way because we thought that if they got stuck....well, Paul just had his bypass in October. Anyhow, they got into the car dressed in their fur coats ...one beaver (sheared) and one mink...I think. Anyhow they looked like two little buffaloes sitting in the back seat. They have a way of, initially being very quiet like an old English Royal couple ....say the Duke and Duchess of Corwall.....I felt like a chauffeur. Catherine and I were talking and laughing but the Duke and Duchess just sat there quietly while I wondered how it would look if I got stuck and the Duke and the Duchess dressed their furry finest had to get out and push the car.
We got home around 1 AM.....we all started yawning just after midnight. I spoke to Nana today and she also went to a New Years bash of sorts at the Manor. She tells me that they actually have two rounds of Auld Lang Syne...one at 8:30 for the 'wanderers' on the eighth floor, and one at 10:00 for the rest. this is so that they can get to bed early. Mom went with her friend Amy and after 10:00 one of the men asked Mom and Amy up to his room to "Watch the ball drop"....Well, Mom said that she didn't even want to figure out what he was up to but Amy went with him. Mom asked Amy how it went the next day and she said that the old feller only wanted company...just company. I guess his balls dropped a while ago.

We talked to Margot Saturday and she said that Joel was sick. She had to take him to the Hospital on the third day of his high fever to find out that he had pneumonia. To complicate things the staff at the hospital were afraid that he had meningitus so they gave him a spinal tap and he is still hurting from that. That all happened before New years eve...over Thursday night. Margot was with him alone at the hospital over a 12 hour period. She did not call Joel's parents until she knew what it was for sure. I have to admire Margot.....she is strong like her Mom...she just took charge and saw it through. Joel's fever broke before he left hospital and now he is on the mend. All these trials and tribulations that happen to people.....I think that it is not what happens to you, you can grouse about that all you want, but it is the way you handle these things when they happen that make you stronger. Rock on. Life is what happens to you while you are making plans.
Well, I suppose Gary and Carol are in Washington State. Did they get the snow from the system that caused snow along the coast in California? Have they moved on to warmer climes in the South? We shall have to wait to find out.......curses Batman, blog damn you!

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