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Ying Xiong; Mao; Christo; blog off! 

Holy mother Mary of God......you must run and tell the others! Go out and rent the movie "Hero". Gone are the days of the colourless Chinese ...gone are hospital greens and chairman Mao olive drabs. Welcome to the Chinese movie called "Hero" ...... kaleidoscopic kung fu cool! A delightful movie brought to North America by Quentin Tarantino with splashy sets that you would think were designed by Cristo! True enough, I did sleep through part of it...I'll admit that but what I did see was a visual feast.
The word of the year last year was "BLOG". Ya got to love that. They say that blogs played a large role in the presiential election in the US. What next?..."blog off!"?
Keep blogging! ....blog your face off!

Ying Xiong; Mao; Christo; blog off!
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