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Search engine queries that led to my blog 

This is a real hoot. These are search engine queries that led to my blog...I like "Gay Granpas" and "Noni's cakes in hat boxes" bwahahahahahahaha
Yahoo: canadian tire - fibre optic tree
14 Dec, Tue, 00:08:48
MSN Search: kumadin
14 Dec, Tue, 00:10:09
Yahoo: the meeting place winnipeg new years eve
15 Dec, Wed, 00:57:14
MSN Search: carolina pathers purse
15 Dec, Wed, 10:38:54
MSN Search: Winnipeg Christmas Tree Lots
16 Dec, Thu, 01:44:52
MSN Search: voltaire "now is not the time to be making enemies"
16 Dec, Thu, 03:37:08
MSN Search: gay granpas
16 Dec, Thu, 23:59:53
Yahoo: "snow mobile suits"
17 Dec, Fri, 01:14:22
Yahoo: Christmas Birthday celebration invitation for Jesus's birthday
17 Dec, Fri, 08:56:17
Yahoo: the play,"The Diary of Ann Frank"
18 Dec, Sat, 03:21:02
Yahoo: "precious blood" school winnipeg
19 Dec, Sun, 03:03:08
Yahoo: everyday meals of people in winnipeg,on
20 Dec, Mon, 04:48:36
Yahoo: Noni's cakes in hat boxes
20 Dec, Mon, 05:34:18
Yahoo: cellulitus(right foot)
20 Dec, Mon, 22:40:47
Yahoo: saturn oil in antifreeze
22 Dec, Wed, 02:08:05
MSN Search: winter solstice winnipeg
22 Dec, Wed, 06:08:47
Yahoo: Adam Dupois
24 Dec, Fri, 05:43:20
Yahoo: bebe neuworth
24 Dec, Fri, 06:47:39
MSN Search: milestones bar coquitlam
24 Dec, Fri, 11:21:18
Yahoo: "French Meat pies"

Search engine queries that led to my blog
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