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Its at this time of year, when expectations are so high, that i really miss the time when we celebrated the Holiday with family. We would sing songs...I especially remember Catherine's late brother Gordie singing 'The twelve days of ...Solstice" (er, Ok Xmas). I remember that when I was young we might not get any presents at all, but we had oranges and love. I remember the neighbour dressing up as Santa and waving to Margot (our daughter) through the kitchen window, just before ANOTHER Santa appeared in the street to challenge him. I remember the excitement of opening gifts on surprisingly quiet Xmas mornings with the sun streaming through the front windows. Margot would get so quiet as she reverently put out cookies and milk on the fireplace for Santa on Xmas eve. She would hush me by putting her finger in front of her lips, just in case I might jinx it and Santa would decide not to come. Oh yes, I long to get that feeling back.....

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