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Weird weather 

Snowing in Calgary today! Last Sunday in Winnipeg it was 32 degs C. and today it is 16..... We had a drenching downpour yesterday. It must be the remnants of hurricaine Ivan.

Last Friday we made pies.....Catherine and I made 10 apple pies from apples picked off old George's apple tree (at the back). Catherine made the pastry and it was my job to use the apple peeler, break the apple strips into bits, and finally to use a straw and suck the air out of the freezer bags ( a job for a very dicerning baker...er...baker's helper). We had one of the pies on the weekend and mmmmm it was gooooood. Hot apple pie with ice-creammmmmm. The cinnamon hits your nasal passages like a train hitting a wall....pow...mmmmmm. With just a hint of, of, of......well that item is a secret and I am bound to secrecy by the head baker.

I guess I picked up the bug that Catherine had last week. My throat is sore and I feel all punky. but that did not stop the old trooper from going to the Air Museum yesterday!...what a trooper. You can bet that had I still been working at Bristol, I would not be going to work. I just hate to miss volunteering at the Air Museum. I'm back there tomorrow morning.

I got a call from the Diabetes Research group yesterday and they said that although I have protein in my urine (not good), it is not bad enough to keep me in this current study. I am a failure but I guess thats OK. I was not crazy about that study anyways. I will be going in to have a follow up with Dr. Penner, a renowned nephrologist, so that is good. And there are other studies that I may qualify for. I am only at a loss now as to which medications I should be currently taking....I have been given many and I have quite a stockpile. This morning it was, hummmmm lets see, I'll have one of these and one of those, and this one makes me feel good....oh and a couple of Tylenol for the stones. No not the Rolling Stones.....kidney.

Catherine is just back from Lunch with her friend Ruth and is now off for groceries. Tonight is the first night of her Hip-Hop class. She is taking a 10 week course at a fitness place over on St. Mary's Road. She loves that hippitty hoppitty stuff.

Must go now......remember...... keep on blogging....ha!

Weird weather
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