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Saturday in the Park....I think it was the 4th of July/// 

Another beautiful day25/26 deg today and looks like...dare I say it? 28/29 deg for tomorrow....better weather than we've had all summer. doesn't that put the shizzle back in your pizzle?!
Catherine picked up some bug when she subbed the other day. She has not been feeling well since Wednesday. But, she is feeling better today! So we will go over to Pat and Paul's place tonight and play some Trivialis Pursuitis.......The professional edition (not available in stores)...amateurs need not apply! TAKE NO PRISONERS TP!!!!!
Kevin dropped in for a visit today. He is working at Bristol (has been for a year) as a production engineer. He went back to college and completed a two year course and now he has a certificate in engineering. He went out to Calgary and picked up a motorcycle...nice one, looks fast even standing still. He has an e-mail address, its kchapman@shaw.ca . Drop him a line. He has been losing his hair rapidly, so he shaved it all off.....can't beat em, join em!
We watched the movie "Seducing Dr. Lewis" last night. The Criquet game is hilarious and the movie takes you back to a time when men and women made love on a regular basis, as shown in the first scene! It was a real little gem. In French with english subtitles. Two thumbs up there!!!! Worth a look see....available on DVD.

Well, better go and study for the TP game tonight!!!LOL Remember "Beep on Klogging"

Saturday in the Park....I think it was the 4th of July///
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