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Cure for cancer.......why is there air? 

Just reading about Einstein in the Sept. issue of 'Discovery' magazine. Theory of relativity and quantum physics...not subjects that I am familiar with but nevertheless interesting. I have been sitting at home wondering about relativity.....like as in 'who's your daddy?' and being bored because I just can't get around and do too much, yet. I have not passed any stones yet... So its a waiting game. I do what I can for safety...I make sure the dog is 'out of range' and close the bathroom door. I don't want to 'put her eye out!' with an errant stone. My aim is not as good as it used to be. heehee I know that there are things that I could be doing but they will just have to wait. I am scheduled to work at the Museum tomorrow and I think that I shall go...I just can't walk too much.

Catherine is off Substituting today. This is her second day at the same school. The phone has been ringing off the hook trying to book her services....she has bookings in November already. She is happy to be back doing something that she likes.

Well better go for now...in the meantime 'bongo gel peking'..........(448 more anangrams to go!)

Cure for cancer.......why is there air?
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