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Good news. Carol & Gary travel and Nana too! 

Experience is the knowledge that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
Looks like a good plan was to get Mother to Victoria. She will travel with Carol back to Victoria when Carol visits at the end of Sept. and Mother will travel back with Gary in mid Oct. to Wpg. I love it when a plan comes together! ...even though its like not my plan. So glad Mother will have a chance to see Gary's children and Gary's children's children but not yet Gary's children's children's children....at least not yet.
Well, the weather is miserable today again....15 deg C and cloudy but the sun is peeking through the clouds and it is supposed to get sunny and warmer for the rest of the week. Better put a call in to that guy Al Nino and see what his plans are for the future! We are still refraining from going to the lake because we may freeze but will consider going out tomorrow for a couple of days...if its nicer.
I'm just munching on some nice fresh bread. Maybe Gary remembers the bakery guy who used to deliver fresh read daily to our house (we used to get milk delivered daily too!) and we used to eat a whole loaf right then and there because it was so fresh......we would cut big slices...mmmmmm.
Well, everything seems to be well with my computer for now ...I will try and install the TV tuner again and see what happens...or maybe I should wait until Gary gets here on his trip and then if it blows up I can blame it on him.....bwahahahaha. No really wish me luck.
later...........REmember BE EGG I POLK NON

Good news. Carol & Gary travel and Nana too!
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