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Damn blogger...... 

I just finished writing a long blog and the thing dissapeared into thin air! Vapourized! Crap! It was good too. I described catherine's brother Bob as having an IQ of 20 (and it takes 15 to make a dog bark!). Bob has moved into his Dad's house in Saint John and is living off his father like a parasite! Catherine is leaving tomorrow to visit her Dad in Saint John and is not looking forward to seeing Bob. Bob has been the black sheep of the family and rightly so...he has shafted almost every family member...and I am sure that he thinks that since he has moved in with his father now, he will be in the house when his father passes away and he will have the house by squatters rights. All his sisters will be disinherited and I am sure he thinkd that will be OK because he deserves it....you know the world owes him a living. Hey this is a far better blog after all!
Catherine's plane leaves tomorrow Am at 8:50 AM so we will have to be there an hour early....ugh. I hate getting up so early iin the morning. Its nice after you get up early though! I had to get up early to go to the Health Sciences Centre this AM at 9.....I hate driving in rush hour traffic though....don't know how I did it for all those years!
We went out to the Inferno Bistro with our good friends Doug and Diana for lunch. I loves french cuisine, hyuh. I had 'le sandwich bifteck et les pommes frites'.....steak sarny with fries! Afterwards we went over to see Doug and Diana's suite. Nice....just right for them. Three bedrooms 1 to sleep in, 1 for Doug's computer and 1 for Diana's computer! They have just come back from the West Coast and in a week they are off to Bermuda or Bahamas....starts with a B anyways. Doug has been retired for 10 years and Diana just retired this June. She was a principal in Pembina Trails SD and she is starting to miss it now that all the teachers and principals are going back.
well, better go for now...Catherine is running around packing and I think that I am not doing my job unless I get in her way for a bit....she'll yell at me and I'll go and watch TV.
Remember....keep on blogging!!!!!

Damn blogger......
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