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Bear swills bear in Washington state! 

This is real cute...seems this bear likes his beer. I wonder if Gary and Carol saw this bear in their travels???? Maybe he was at the rally?? Friend of Andy???

Seriously though, we went to a pot-luck dinner at Silver falls with the Humanist group. silver Falls is up near Pine Falls.....uh, near the mouth of the Winnipeg river...you know where it enters Lake Winnipeg. It took us an hour and a half just to get there but the trip was worth it we had a lot of fun. It was held at David parker's place. He is a bit of an archaeologist and has this wonderful collection of arrowheads and scrapers , some from 8,000 years ago. He has found literally hundreds of them along the banks of the Winnipeg river. This river has been used for thousands of years as a trade route, a major water highway for the voyageurs. There were several forts at the mouth of this river, the HBC posts were Fort Lake Winnipeg and Bad Throat Post. David's house is right on the banks of the River and I could imagine my great, great grandfather Amable Hogue paddling down that river, as he must have done so many times. One time he brought Governor Simpson's new bride ( his cousin Francis) by canoe from Montreal to the Red River Settlement by way of this river. Some say that she insisted on bringing her piano with her. Ah, aint histry great?
Well, its back to work at the Air Museum for me tomorrow. I took ths summer off and now it time to get back there and I can say that I really missed it.
Hey Jack blogged ...the man's a blogging fool....see it here. What's with Lyn?? she hasn't blogged for a week!
Toodle-oooo for now and remember...OTHERS ARE INTERESTED....BLOG!

Bear swills bear in Washington state!
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