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You don't marry someone you can live with,
you marry the person who you cannot live without.

Hey It was nice to hear from Tena. She entered a note on my guestbook! Whe is now my favourite Niece-in-law!

The pictures below are of our new (old) trailer parked up at Gimli, which is situated on Lake Winnipeg. Gimli is a picturesque little town settled by Icelanders 120 years ago. They do a lot of sailing up there and there is a great beach. Anyhow, the pics are out of order...showing the trailer last. Thats how it goes.

Nice to read Gary's blog with pics of Grandma and Grandpa attending Benjamin's school. What a good idea. Looks like fun too.

Well better go, I have to work all day Saturday and all day Sunday at the Air show. So nitey-nite. Keep blogging damn it!

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