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When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you.

For my birthday present, I bought myself a jig-saw. When you get to be my age practical gifts are the best. Besides I could really use a jig-saw...jig-saws are handy...it was on-sale at Home Depot, what can I say! I am a Home Depot junkie. I can't walk around that store without buying something, something useful, something useful that you might use if it ever comes up...and when it is 'on sale'you can't resist!

Today, I have to go over to Canadian tire and get somethings in preparation of going to Gimli's Autumnwood RV & Motel resort on beautiful Lake Winnipeg (one of the largest freshwater lakes in Canada!) and its beautiful beaches and quaint shops, tomorrow. We are going up until Sunday. There are a 100 odd jobs that need to be done there and I cannot sit still without thinking of something to do. Fix this , fix that, cut the grass, trim the bushes, never ends. Is that relaxing or what? Catherine feels that she has to tell me to stop and sit down and relax a bit and I do but it is hard to sit there when there are things to do.

Well, better get going...I will be writing blogs to my laptop and I will post when we get back. Keep blogging!

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