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The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison was a small medium at
-----------hee hee
They changed something at MTS and my speed on the web has increased significantly! Judging by bandwidth tests I am now running at 1.7 megabits/second. Keuwl..... Real snappy responses. A T-1 line runs at about 1.58 megabits/second....keuwler yet! AND, I got another 256 megs RAM for my laptop. Had a little trouble finding a soDIMM memory board but got one on sale at Staples. Now I am ready for my trip. I got my 'Streets and Trips' route planned. I gave a little seminar to my navigator...so she knows how to glean and use information from the route plan. Its a pretty exacting timetable but I think we can do 'er. Except that some 'rest stops' seem to be in the middle of nowhere...do you have to just sit at the side of the road? Got my reservations done through CAA on-line...got my 'Best Western' priority points card. Chico Marx would say, "the Cars she's a'tuned N' a'ready". I guess basically, through all the input and data stored in my route plan, that fundimentally, I will be uh travelling down the Trans-Canada Highway like west from Winnipeg to uh, Vancouver. I guess that I could have guessed that, I guess, but the software proved me right...an an an it planned rest stops and tells ya when to stop for gas...so there!

Yeah, Gary is right about Mom. I just let her wind me up. It just seems hard to ignore her going on sometimes. I appreciate the support. Today she called because she got her bank statement and there was a deduction for a cheque on there from April and she could not remember writing the cheque. Well, I didn't know either but upon thinking what happened in April I could only suggest that maybe she sent a cheque to Lyn for her wedding? Even though she was determined that it was a cheque to the Norwood Hotel; which she confused with an interac payment. But agreed that it might have been the Cheque to Lyn.....I am sure that it was. But, she did not receive the canceled cheque back yet so she is not entirely convinced. A while ago I convinced her to take the money out of her safety deposit box and put it in the bank...we put some in chequing and because she could get a higher rate of interest at a certain amount in savings, we put some in there to get her over that threshold....well doggies, I could 'splain it to her ten ways to sundown and she still doesn't get it. It only worries me that because I have set up her accounts as joint accounts with me (for easy access in case something happens), that she accuses me one day of taking money from her account. Unlike others who may not be, I have been scrupulous with regards to her money and would be very offended if she thought that I would take even a penny of it. I know she worries about money, why I don't know because she can't take it with her and she sure ain't spending much. I arranged for her to get about $200.00/month from Astra (Dad's old LIF) and she will draw that out completely over 2 1/2 years or so. The $200.00 is her spending money for the month. We buy her groceries and she gives us a cheque when she thinks of it. She doesn't pay for the suppers anymore because they are too expensive and 'not that good' anyways (at $6.00 each what do you expect roast beef and yorkshire puddin'?), so she is getting more groceries. She once had a bad nose bleed while playing cards and her upset friends called her an ambulance. So we convinced her to get Blue Cross for ambulance & semi-private room but but she is regretting it because the $20.00 is a waste and besides she told everyone at the Manor not to call an abmbulance for her again...never. She has called me several times before when she has been ill and I rush over there and take her to the hospital. But I don't want her to wait for me if she is seriously ill. Pay the $20.00/month and call the ambulance!...I just can't be there all the time and sometimes I feel guilty that I am not there because she expects me to be there?....does that make sense? We are going to the West-coast for two weeks and I do feel guilty leaving her. C'est la vie.

Anyhow, I put out my back a bit this afternoon. I have been trying to get the lawnmower started for the last two days and I was determined that I was flooding it, especially since Catherine said to me, "Is it out of gas?".....balls, "of course not, don't you think that I'd check that?" Well I had and it looked like there was enough gas. I was yanking and horking and reefing on the damn starter rope until my back was sore. I sat down and contemplated the situation. Since I had given up trying to start it two nights before, I had called a friend and paid him to cut the grass yesterday.....but now I'll jus checky-poo the gas again...well it could be a little low...oh my goodness gracious (or words to that effect) it was low.....it started first crack but by now my back was killing me. Why had no one told me to check the gas?!? Yeah I know but she didn't insist...had she insisted I might have listened. So you see it is her fault bwahahahaha! Balls..swine lawnmower. I hope my back is better for the trip...A man must drive...must drive...must drive.

We take the dog over to Pat and Paul's place tomorrow evening. I shall miss her terribly over the next two weeks. She is such a joy to come home to (except when i don't make enough noise to wake her!). She comes to meet me wagging her tail and making noise (well, a whine anyways). Better get to bed..its late.

I shall blog on my trip.......I shall!

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