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Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.

Yesterday we attended the Humanists of MB Summer Solstice party. It was a fun affair. It was held out in Oakbank at a restaurant. they still allow smoking in the country restaurants!...can you believe it? Anyways, none in our party of 24 smoked. We all mixed and mingled for a while and then ate a meal of roast beast and yorkshire puddin'. mmm, good. After dinner there was a bit o' business and then Catherine, as part of her function as a newly minted marriage commissioner, said a few words of thanks to all for the meal. Afterwards we played Trivial Pursuit with 9 volunteer players, with questions that Catherine had put together with help from the internet. Catherine asked the questions (4 categories and difficulties ranging form 100 point to 500 point). The questions were multiple choice so as not to be too difficult (not my choice). The game wore on until there was a clear winner (we ran out of questions anyway) and a runner up. The prizes were a bottle of wine each 1 alcoholic and 1 non-alcoholic. Anyhow a good time was had by all and it all wrapped up by about 9 PM. Good food, good drinks (cold diet coke!) and good friends....what more could you ask for.

Mother came out to babysit Suzie as Catherine and I attended the peace march in the afternoon too. The march started out at the legislature and after some speeches, proceeded down Broadway, the plan being to turn left at Main Street and left (west) on Portage and left (south) down Memorial blvd. back to the Ledge. But, somewhere around Broadway and Donald the police stopped the march claiming that we had no permit. The march organizer agreed but added that 'we were not officially denied a permit.' After this incident the thought occured to Catherine and I at the same time...breaking the law while holding a 'peace' rally was somehow not right. We dropped out at that point and our thinking was that the march in its 28 years of existence has never proceeded without a permit. The whole thing seemed dissorganized. We did get some people showing interest in the Humanists so all was not lost. there are two pictures of the march below and some pics of the dinner above.....
Keep blogging....What happened to "Look Dad!!! I'm blogging!!! ????
Happy father's day to all you Dads.

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