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Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once.
Woody Allen
Well......it is snowing today...blah! Bah humfriggin bug! yes we got about 5 cms of the wetstuff. It came out from Utah of all places. It is supposed to turn to rain later on in the day. If it becomes freezing rain we could be in for some power outages, etc. lets hope it doesn't come to that. Crap.
Of course We had to go for groceries today (both to Safeway...airmiles...and Super Store)and I had an appointment for an EKG and some X-rays as part of my annual check-up. We were not bothered by large crowds though and there was hardly anyone on the road.
Well we are back now and its time to just stay in the house and watch some TV.

The dog is limping around the house. It started last night. I don't know what it is but she looks pathetic limping around. I had a good look at her feet and I don't see anything and she appears to be getting better so we'll just wait and see. It doesn't seem to be affecting her sleeping at all. Nothing would affect that!

Well better go and check out the news. Keep blogging.

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