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The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur. George 'Dubya' Bush

The problem with the USA is that they need a new President! HOOAHH

Well, nothing presidential going on in our house today. We had planned on getting out to the campsite today but it was just too rainy and dreary. We will go out tomorrow though, even if its just for the day. We have to meet the people selling their trailer tomorrow at one o'clock.

I got some things done around the house though. Cleaned out the bushes at the front of the house and primered the wooden board under the third bedroom window. Catherine spent the day looking for web sites of marriage commissioners and figuring how many marriages were done outside of church by commissioners. Across Canada, it seems that the province with the most 'non-church' weddings is BC. Way to go BC...Can't win at hockey or football! LOL...kidding.

Well, better get to bed if I want to get up early and get to Gimli. So TATA, pip pip, tally -ho, Don-ho and good night. *yawn*

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