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Peter Ustinov..."Beliefs are what divide people. Doubt unites them."

Brother Gary has a quote on his blog site that is quite funny..."Give a man a fish and feed him for a day; teach that man how to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks!"
nyuk nyuk nyuk

What the hell is happening to the cost of gas? All the stations around Winnipeg are selling gas for 84.5 cents per litre, but all the stations are giving discounts of between 3.5 cents per litre. What is the deal with the discounts at the pump? I am not complaining but if you discount gas at 3.5 cents per litre at the pump why would you post it at 81 cents per litre instead of 84.5 cets per litre.........what the hell game is that?

The weather has been relatively miserable this May. I was talking to Al, whose an avid golfer and he says that he hasn't had the urge to golf yet because there has not been a good patch of hot weather. Funny, I golf as poorly in bad weather as I golf in good weather!
I haven't golfed much in the last couple of years because when I do I suffer with a sore back for days afterwards.

We had an invitation from Pat and Paul and son Eric to look after Suzie while we are away at the West-coast. They sure love the dog and I am sure that they will take good care of her...sniff, sniff....we will miss her while we are gone.....will she recognise us upon our return?!? I am sure she will be well cared for.

I am not sure what brother Jack is planning this summer. I am not really sure that brother Jack knows himself, but I sent him an e-mail and told him of our plans anyway and the rest is up to him. He is welcome to come here and I am sure that Gary and his west coast crew are hoping to see him and the boys too.

Been busy. I had an exec meeting with the MB Humanists last night and we have a general meeting on Saturday. We are planning for a meeting on Monday with the Human Rights people with regards to 'religion in schools' issues. I don't agree with religious tenets but the place to teach them is in church or at home ...not in the schools. And hey, you can teach morals and goodness without invoking religion.

My Tore-ass was not running well the other day and so I took it over to my mechanic. He looked at it and within a few moments had it running great again. I asked him what it was and he said "Crap in the carburetor".............I asked, "How often do you have to do that?"

Well, better go, I got some work to do before Cathy gets home from school (she is subbing today). Keep blogging...............Gary.

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