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eBay item 4146756343 (Ends Apr-28-04 15:37:01 PDT) - SIZE 12 WEDDING DRESS/GOWN NO RESERVE

Here is an item that appeared on E-bay. I got it from Gary. Its a real hoot. Its a guy selling the wedding dress of his estraged wife. he claims he paid $1200,00 for it and it sold on E-bay for 3 times that! Excuse me while I go search for Catherine's old wedding dress....I'll wear it and sell it on E-bay too...I am not proud. All he wanted was tickets to a game and pizza, I think.

Dr. Ben Dover......

I went to my GP (Dr. Hildahl) this morning for my annual physical. My legs always turn to jello when I hear the snap of that rubber glove. I said "be gentle" and he said "BEND OVER". Ohh, Doctor shouldn't you buy a guy a drink first? Anyhow he didn't find anything worth lingering for which is a good thing. He found a little neuropathy in my feet, though. (no his fingers aren't that long!) Must be a result of my diabetes. So I am going to see a neuropathic Doctor to get checked out. Lets see, I am seeing a neurologist, a nephrologist, a urologist, an endocrinologist, and my GP. Is there any more ologists that I haven't seen.......besides a pathologist, but I can wait for that one.

Venus and Mars are alright tonite.....

Have a look up into the sky tonight just after dusk to see Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all hovering around near the Moon. Oh yeah, if it is cloudy you may not see them. Venus is particularily bright too. Bootiful.

The play is the thing.......

Off to see a play this afternoon, "Crimes of the Heart". Then we are off to Bellissimo restaurant for some Italian food and then to Pat and Paul's for some R & R....that is some Trivialis Pursuitis (TP for you purists). Here is one for you, if the 'Ultimate" is the last item in a series, and "Penultimate" is the second last item, what is the third last item????? Answer in my next post.....bwahahahahahaha! Hey on Appollo 13 mission to the Moon, if Lance Armstrong was the first on the moon and Buzz and Boomer were next who was the guy that stayed behind in the mother ship? That's right Phil Collins!

Vancouver....way beyond normal......

We have decided not to go to Nova Scotia in August. We were trying to do too much this summer and we have the campsite at Gimli too and want to enjoy that as much as we can. So instead Catherine will hop on a plane at some future date....maybe even May, and go see her Dad. We will be coming to Vancouver at the beginning of July for sure though. And we will plan to get out to the Island too....if Noni is planning on getting married that would be a good time! heh heh.

Well better go, my butt is sore........from sitting! keep blogging y'all!

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