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When my father died and my two brothers and I sat down to talk about him, we discovered that we were talking about three different men - and I had never met the other two.
Here is a poll conducted by the Globe and Mail. Surprising results since this is a special time for christians. The poll can be found at www.globeandmail.com.

We should commend the Globe and Mail for printing it - to counterbalance the
fundies that are sure to complain.

Saturday, Apr. 10, 2004

A number of religions will observe holy days this week, which prompts us to ask: Do you believe in God?

10974 votes (41 %)

13051 votes (48 %)

Not sure
2965 votes (11 %)

Total Votes: 26990

This is not a scientific study but the sampling of 26,990 votes is impressive. And the responses would be from across Canada. How many of these are regular church goers? Half?
Reminds me of a story. When I was just 15 turning 16 I to joined the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Reserve. We went to Shilo, MB on training for the summer. Every Sunday we had "Church Parade". No excuses....everyone had to go. One line for Protestants and one line for Catholics.....you were either one or the other. One week I chose to be a Catholic and the next week I would choose the Protestant line, alternating back and forth. This was an insult because I did not believe in God, never mind in a religion that worshipped him. PRIDE SWALLOWED....MUST OBEY. The only person to refuse to go in either line was a jewish guy from our platoon (can't remember his name). In the army there is no such thing as a refusal to follow orders. The Jewish kid was made to stand outside one of the churches for the duration of the ceremony (about and hour). In my books he was a hero, courageous for taking a stand. Some days it was damn hot and no one would want to stand outside for an hour in full uniform, but this kid did. I don't know why the army insisted on making us go to church, but they did. There is an old army saying that may be the key to the answer. It goes like this, and I may be paraphrasing, "On the battlefield, there are no atheists." Well, you know what....there was.....

Keep on blogging...................

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