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When my father died and my two brothers and I sat down to talk about him, we discovered that we were talking about three different men - and I had never met the other two.

The weather this weekend has been nice. The temps have been around 10 –12 degrees C. And sunny, lots of sun. The snow has almost disappeared entirely. The funny thing is that the grass was green when it snowed in the fall and there is still a lot of green grass when the snow melted. Better fire up the ole lawn mower!

This was a quiet weekend. We rented couple of movies. Friday we watched “21 Grams”. We rated it high…two thumbs up! Both Sean Penn and Benecio(?) Deltoro were great. In fact all the actors were great. On Saturday we saw “House of Sand and Fog” and again, the acting was very good and the story, which was taken from the book, was great. Jennifer Connely and Ben Kingsley played the leads. I think they both were nominated for Oscars for their performances in this movie. They both deserved to win it, based on this movie.

Today Nana came for dinner. We had BBQ’d steak, and baked potatoes, and some ‘Shrooms. Then we all watched the Juno award show. It was from Edmonton this year but next year it will be from the new MTS Centre right here in downtown Winnipeg. It should be good. They are in talks with many people and it looks like Neil Young might be coming for the show. I wonder who else will be coming?

I am looking forward to my little trip out west to Victoria and my niece Lyn’s wedding. It will be nice to see the kids again as I don’t get to see them too often.

Well, better get to bed and get some beauty sleep….Keep blogging

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