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When my father died and my two brothers and I sat down to talk about him, we discovered that we were talking about three different men - and I had never met the other two.

www.airamericaradio.com Check it out for the Franken-Factor!

Well here it is Thursday. Another beautiful sunny day with a temperature of about 12 deg c. You can tell the days are getting warmer because the dog is staying outside longer and longer and finding an ever-more expanding area to poop in. Yes, must spread the poop around. I don’t know what she eats but when her poop sits for a few days the grass in that spot turns real green! It looks real dumb when the rest of the grass is brown!

We went to the Palm D’or Commercial showing today at the Art gallery. 1 hours and 45 minutes of commercials. One of the good ones was a Budweiser commercial, a message from the Budweiser Institute claiming that they were the ones who ‘invented’ the Women’s movement, the 24 hour shopping channel and other s in order to allow men time to go out for a brew with their male buddies. Another good one was Martin Scorsese picking up prints at the photo store and being hyper critical on the colour, composition, perspective. All of them were quite well done and quite witty. We will have to return to the Art Gallery to have a look at the ‘Impressionist’ show they have on with pictures from Van Gogh, Dufy, Manet, etc. Well, another day.

Tonight, Catherine and I went to an executive meeting of the Humanist assoc. of MB. We are looking to have Humanist ‘Officiants’ (Secular Marriage commissioners) situated in Manitoba. The purpose is to offer a choice to people who want to get married but not in a religious ceremony. I would imagine that there may be more calls for it when (and I say when) homosexuals are allowed to marry in Manitoba. Groups are allowed to apply to have named members (priests, ministers, etc.). The problem is that these groups are assumed to be ‘religious’ groups only. It will be an uphill battle. I am also arranging for a meeting with Manitoba Human Rights Commission to discuss our concerns in other areas, too. I am excited about all the action that has developed within the group recently. Badabing…badaboom.

Back to the WCAM tomorrow for some undercover photo security and whimsical tours of lithographs, et all. If you get my meaning…nudge nudge wink wink. Eh wot?

Til the next time Keeponblogging!

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