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Margot Land

Here is something that you don't see often...Margot updated her blog! Looks like she is busy as usual. She also sends all her love to Lyn and wishes that she could be there for the wedding. Nice girl, do you know that she is going to be 26 this summer! Time flies!

It was around 15 deg c. today and sunny. People were out raking their lawns when we took the Princess for a walk. We accomplished a whole bunch of things today that we have been putting off for a while now; silly little things like a dog licence, a battery for my watch, and a few other things which meant going to several different shops around town. I still have a dozen or so items on my list that need to be done. Oh, I wish I was still working, then I could take it easy!

Since the success of "The Passion of the Christ", Jesus is being eyed for the title roles in other movies such as "Who Framed Roger Rabbi?", "Guess Who's coming to the Last Supper?", "Sleepless in Jerusalem", "Youv'e got Nail!" and even "The Cat in the Yarmulke". Anyhow, we wish him the best of luck at next year's Oscars!

Well, better go for now............KEEP ON BLOGGING!

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