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The Winnipeg Free Press - News

You'll be glad to know that a Canadian Bishop will now allow women and children to wash their feet on the Thursday before Good Friday. I can sleep at night now!

Well, its Saturday. Its raining like mad and there is a possibility of thunderstorms later in the day. Thunderstorms in March??!! It simply has to be the 'Green sleeves' effect. One farmer talking to another....wipes his nose on his sleeve...shhhhpppuuttt...yah! Shor nuf gettin funny weather these days! Yeah, lets go into our Green house? Well, anyhwho, at least its not snow. High of plus 8 deg c and by Tuesday its going to 17!!! shhhhpppuuutttt....shur nuf is whackky weather.

That Clarke guy in the USA sure opened up a can of worms with his revelations on the Bush administration and their lack of concern for terrorism pre -9/11. Now Bush has got all his dogs out including his pet pit-bull Condelleza Rice attacking Clarke's character. Can't stand being criticized with any allegations, especially those rife with truths! How dare Clarke! That truth ruse will not stand! Vote for Bush...he stands behind his troops....waaaaay behind!

Al Bertrand has gone to Paris for a couple of weeks with a group from his school where he is the principal, so having passed up trips such as this before, he has decided to go with them. And why not, he is planning on retiring soon anyways. So upshot is that even though Al will not be there, we are going to a play today at MTS. Its called "The Winslow Boy". It got good reviews and then we are going out for dinner and then for some tea and tiffin at our house....oh and maybe, just maybe some Trivialis Pursuitis....Trivial Pursuit in Latin! We always play in latin, we have such sophistikated tastes. T & T and latin TP and no TV. I wonder if, after having an episode with his heart, Paul has taken up smoking again? It is very hard to quit.... boys and girls, if you haven't started smoking ...don't, because it is hard to quit...or only smoke after sex ....er don't have sex because you don't want to smoke...just don't do anything. Darn Kids give em an inch....

Oh yes, we no longer subscribe to the NYT x-word puzzle. They have jacked up the price too high! They want $35.00/year or $6.00/month US FUNDS yet. Phooey...here NYT, fill in the blanks sc**w Y*u bas***ds ! The key is to replace every '*' with a letter. Heh Heh

Anyhows, got to go get ready for the play. Sayonara....caio...hasta la vista baby...adios amigos...tata...hokey pokey...be sure to blog!

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